A seminar series of talks by mathematicians for physicists. Unless noted otherwise, the seminars will take place in the LPTHE library (UPMC, tower 13-14, fourth floor) at 11AM. See also here .
2025 |
06/02 | Hyeonjun Park | KIAS | TBA |
postponed | David Sauzin | Observatoire de Paris | TBA |
09/01 | Clement Dupont | Montpellier | Logarithmically divergent integrals |
2024 |
28/11 | David Hernandez | IMJ-PRG | Folded quantum integrable models, deformed W-algebras and representations of quantized Coulomb branches |
26/09 | Bram Petri | IMJ-PRG | Linear programming bounds for hyperbolic surfaces |
23/05 | Eleanora Di Nezza | IMJ-PRG | Singular Kähler-Einstein metrics |
21/03 | Jean-Marc Schlenker | University of Luxembourg | The renormalized volume of 3d hyperbolic manifolds |
07/03 | Tudor Padurariu | Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay | Quasi-BPS categories for K3 surfaces |
18/01 | Adrien Brochier | IMJ-PRG | Factorization homology of ribbon categories |
2023 |
07/12 | Pierre-Guy Plamondon | Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles | Configuration spaces from representation theory and cluster theory |
09/11 | Penka Georgieva | IMJ-PRG | Klein TQFT and real Gromov-Witten invariants |
28/09 | Sabin Cautis | University of British Columbia | The categorical structure of Coulomb branches |
15/06 | Vladimir Dotsenko | IRMA Strasbourg | Around Donaldson-Thomas invariants of symmetric quivers |
01/06 | Alexander Givental | UC Berkeley | Chern-Euler intersection theory and Gromov-Witten invariants |
13/04 | Lauren Williams | Harvard | The positive Grassmannian, the amplituhedron, and cluster algebras |
16/03 | Marco Robalo | Institut des Mathématiques de Jussieu | Categorification of Donaldson-Thomas invariants and matrix factorizations |
26/01 | Carl Tipler | LMBA, Université de Bretagne Occidentale | Hermitian Yang-Mills connections and pullbacks |
2022 |
15/12 | Javier Fresan | Ecole Polytechnique | Hodge theory and o-minimality |
17/11 | Denis Auroux | Harvard University | Fukaya categories of Landau-Ginzburg models and functoriality in homological mirror symmetry |
13/10 | Susanna Zimmermann | Université Paris-Saclay | Birational maps of the plane |
19/05 | Hugo Duminil-Copin | IHES | Marginal triviality of the scaling limits of critical 4d Ising and phi4 models |
31/03 | Jérémie Szeftel | Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions | The nonlinear stability of Kerr for small angular momentum |
17/03 | Elba Garcia-Failde | IMJ-PRG | Topological recursion and quantisation of spectral curves |
10/02 | Maxim Kontsevich | IHES | Complex metrics and analyticity in QFT |
13/01 postponed | Yves André | IMJ-PRG | TBA |
2021 |
09/12 | Pierrick Bousseau | Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay | Gromov-Witten theory of complete intersections |
25/11 at 10am | Claire Voisin | IMJ-PRG | Variétés hyper-Kaehlériennes et cobordisme complexe |
07/10 | Tomoyuki Arakawa | RIMS Kyoto | 4D/2D duality and representation theory |
04/02 | Johannes Kellendonk | Insitut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | The non-commutative topological approach to topological phases with protecting symmetry Slides Video |
07/01 | Anne Moreau | Université Paris-Saclay | Nilpotent Slodowy slices and W-algebras Slides Video |
2020 |
16/01 | Gerard Freixas Montplet | IMJ, Sorbonne Universités | On genus one mirror symmetry Slides |
30/01 | Alessandra Sarti | Université de Poitiers | On non-symplectic automorphisms of K3 surfaces |
postponed | <Emanuele Macri | Northeastern University | Bridgeland stability on threefolds |
postponed | Carl Tipler | Université de Bretagne Occidentale | TBA |
postponed | Johannes Kellendonk | Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 | TBA |
postponed | Yves André | IMJ-PRG, UPMC | De l'impossibilité de calculer algébriquement la position d'une planète à temps donné à la structure générale des relations de périodes |
24/09 | <Emanuele Macri | Université Paris-Saclay | Bridgeland stability on threefolds |
postponed | <Anne Moreau | Université Paris-Saclay | TBA |
2019 |
17/01 | Sebastien Boucksom | Ecole Polytechnique | Kaehler-Einstein metrics |
21/03 | Nalini Anantharaman | Université Strasbourg | Quantum ergodicity on graphs : from spectral to spatial delocalization Slides |
04/04 | Nicolas Curien | Université Paris-Sud Orsay | Discrete Random Surfaces |
16/05 | Yan Soibelman | Department of mathematics, Kansas State University | Cohomological Hall algebras, refined BPS invariants and vertex algebra at the corner |
27/06 postponed | Alexander Goncharov | Department of mathematics, Yale University | POSTPONED! |
26/09 | Bertrand Eynard | CEA Saclay, IHES, CRM Montreal | Topological recursion: from spectral curve to conformal blocks |
10/10 | Gaetan Chenevier | Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay | An introduction to the Langlands conjectures Slides |
28/11 | Muriel Livernet | IMJ-PRG, Université Paris Diderot | Algebraic Deformations and algebraic operads, how to apprehend (relative) E2 structures? |
12/12 !!!postponed!!! | Emanuele Macri | Northeastern University | Bridgeland stability on threefolds |
2018 |
18/01 | David Hernandez | IMJ, Paris 6 | Spectra of quantum integrable systems, Langlands duality and category O |
08/02 | Emmanuel Letellier | IMJ, Paris 6 | Quiver moduli and Kac polynomials |
15/03 | Oliver Schnetz | University of Erlangen | Transcendentality of Feynman amplitudes |
29/03 | Nicolas Bergeron | IMJ, Paris 6 | On the Noether-Lefschetz conjecture |
24/05 | Frédéric Chapoton | Université Strasbourg | On cluster varieties associated with trees |
18/10 | Colin Guillarmou | Université Paris-Sud | Théorie quantique des champs de Liouville en genre superieur à 1 |
14/11 at 2PM | Dmitry Chelkak | ENS, PDMI RAS | S-embeddings of planar graphs carrying the Ising model |
29/11 | Olivier Debarre | ENS | Calabi-Yau manifols and hyperkähler manifolds |
13/12 | Erik Panzer | Oxford | Integration with multiple polylogarithms |
2017 |
23/11 | Ilia Itenberg | IMJ, Paris 6 | Tropical geometry and enumeration of curves |
15/02 | Omid Amini | École normale supérieure | Feynman amplitudes and limits of height pairings |
2016 |
Thematic quarter: The mathematics of string theory at the Institut Henri Poincaré. | |||
2015 |
30/03 | Yiannis Vlassopoulos | University of Vienna | Calabi-Yau algebras and Topological Quantum Field Theories |
20/04 | Hiroshi Umemura | Nagoya University, Graduate School of Mathematics | Toward Quantization of Galois Theory |
22/05 | Ovidiu Costin | The Ohio State University | Resurgence, transseries and applications in Quantum Mechanics and Dynamical Systems |
08/06 | Frédéric Paugam | IMJ, Paris 6 | Méthodes catégorielles en théorie des champs |
23/11 | Dimitri Zvonkine | IMJ, Paris 6 | Relations cohomologiques sur l'espace des modules des courbes via les structures 3-spin |
2014 |
24/03 | Alain Chenciner | Paris 7 & IMCCE | Moment cinétique et problème de Horn |
28/04 | Laurent Charles | IMJ, Paris 6 | Opérateurs de Berezin-Toeplitz |
19/05 | Christian Blanchet | IMJ, Paris 6 | sl(2) quantique, TQFTs et torsion de Reidemeister |
16/06 | Krzysztof Gawedzki | ENS Lyon | Invariants de Kane-Mele-Floquet pour les isolant topologiques |
20/10 | Jean-Michel Bismut | Université Paris-Sud | Laplacien hypoelliptique et processus de Langevin |
17/11 | Vladimir Fock | Université de Strasbourg | Fermions discrets et systèmes intégrables |
2013 |
20/11 | Joel Fine | Université Libre de Bruxelles | The diversity of symplectic Calabi-Yau 6-manifolds |
2012 |
18/10 | Artan Sheshmani | Max Planck Institute, Bonn | Donaldson-Thomas invariants of torsion 2 dimensional sheaves and modular forms |
06/12 | Alessandro Chiodo | Institut Fourier, Grenoble | A curve-counting theory for Landau-Ginzburg models |
2011 |
12/01 | Bernhard Keller | IMJ, Paris 6 | Cluster algebras, quiver representations and Zamolodchikov conjectures |
02/02 | Paolo Rossi | IMJ, Paris 6 | Integrable systems and Frobenius manifolds |
09/03 | Olivier Schiffman | IMJ, Paris 6 | Algebres de Hall et formes automorphes |
06/04 | Michèle Vergne | IMJ, Paris 6 | Duistermaat-Heckman measures and the equivariant index |
04/05 | Michael Harris | IMJ, Paris 6 | Galois representations and automorphic representations |
15/06 | Olivier Biquard | DMA, ENS | AdS/CFT, métriques d'Einstein et espaces symétriques |
14/10 | San Vu Ngoc | Centre Henri Lebesgue, Université de Rennes | Théorie spectrale inverse en régime semiclassique pour les systèmes toriques... et au-delà |
09/11 | Francis Brown | IMJ, Paris 6 | Amplitudes de Feynman, multizetas, et formes modulaires |
09/12 | Eric Vasserot | IMJ, Paris 6 | Algebres W, algebres de Hecke doublement affines et faisceaux sans torsion |
2010 |
24/11 | Philip Boalch | DMA, ENS | The rootiness of Stokes data |