Séminaire Darboux

Séminaire Darboux

A seminar series of talks by mathematicians for physicists. Unless noted otherwise, the seminars will take place in the LPTHE library (UPMC, tower 13-14, fourth floor) at 11AM. See also here .

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06/02 Hyeonjun Park KIAS TBA
postponed David Sauzin Observatoire de Paris TBA
09/01 Clement Dupont Montpellier Logarithmically divergent integrals


28/11 David Hernandez IMJ-PRG Folded quantum integrable models, deformed W-algebras and representations of quantized Coulomb branches
26/09 Bram Petri IMJ-PRG Linear programming bounds for hyperbolic surfaces
23/05 Eleanora Di Nezza IMJ-PRG Singular Kähler-Einstein metrics
21/03 Jean-Marc Schlenker University of Luxembourg The renormalized volume of 3d hyperbolic manifolds
07/03 Tudor Padurariu Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay, Université Paris-Saclay Quasi-BPS categories for K3 surfaces
18/01 Adrien Brochier IMJ-PRG Factorization homology of ribbon categories


07/12 Pierre-Guy Plamondon Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Versailles Configuration spaces from representation theory and cluster theory
09/11 Penka Georgieva IMJ-PRG Klein TQFT and real Gromov-Witten invariants
28/09 Sabin Cautis University of British Columbia The categorical structure of Coulomb branches
15/06 Vladimir Dotsenko IRMA Strasbourg Around Donaldson-Thomas invariants of symmetric quivers
01/06 Alexander Givental UC Berkeley Chern-Euler intersection theory and Gromov-Witten invariants
13/04 Lauren Williams Harvard The positive Grassmannian, the amplituhedron, and cluster algebras
16/03 Marco Robalo Institut des Mathématiques de Jussieu Categorification of Donaldson-Thomas invariants and matrix factorizations
26/01 Carl Tipler LMBA, Université de Bretagne Occidentale Hermitian Yang-Mills connections and pullbacks


15/12 Javier Fresan Ecole Polytechnique Hodge theory and o-minimality
17/11 Denis Auroux Harvard University Fukaya categories of Landau-Ginzburg models and functoriality in homological mirror symmetry
13/10 Susanna Zimmermann Université Paris-Saclay Birational maps of the plane
19/05 Hugo Duminil-Copin IHES Marginal triviality of the scaling limits of critical 4d Ising and phi4 models
31/03 Jérémie Szeftel Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions The nonlinear stability of Kerr for small angular momentum
17/03 Elba Garcia-Failde IMJ-PRG Topological recursion and quantisation of spectral curves
10/02 Maxim Kontsevich IHES Complex metrics and analyticity in QFT
13/01 postponed Yves André IMJ-PRG TBA


09/12 Pierrick Bousseau Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay Gromov-Witten theory of complete intersections
25/11 at 10am Claire Voisin IMJ-PRG Variétés hyper-Kaehlériennes et cobordisme complexe
07/10 Tomoyuki Arakawa RIMS Kyoto 4D/2D duality and representation theory
04/02 Johannes Kellendonk Insitut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 The non-commutative topological approach to topological phases with protecting symmetry Slides Video
07/01 Anne Moreau Université Paris-Saclay Nilpotent Slodowy slices and W-algebras Slides Video


16/01 Gerard Freixas Montplet IMJ, Sorbonne Universités On genus one mirror symmetry Slides
30/01 Alessandra Sarti Université de Poitiers On non-symplectic automorphisms of K3 surfaces
postponed Emanuele Macri Northeastern University Bridgeland stability on threefolds
postponed Carl Tipler Université de Bretagne Occidentale TBA
postponed Johannes Kellendonk Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 TBA
postponed Yves André IMJ-PRG, UPMC De l'impossibilité de calculer algébriquement la position d'une planète à temps donné à la structure générale des relations de périodes
24/09 Emanuele Macri Université Paris-Saclay Bridgeland stability on threefolds
postponed Anne Moreau Université Paris-Saclay TBA


17/01 Sebastien Boucksom Ecole Polytechnique Kaehler-Einstein metrics
21/03 Nalini Anantharaman Université Strasbourg Quantum ergodicity on graphs : from spectral to spatial delocalization Slides
04/04 Nicolas Curien Université Paris-Sud Orsay Discrete Random Surfaces
16/05 Yan Soibelman Department of mathematics, Kansas State University Cohomological Hall algebras, refined BPS invariants and vertex algebra at the corner
27/06 postponed Alexander Goncharov Department of mathematics, Yale University POSTPONED!
26/09 Bertrand Eynard CEA Saclay, IHES, CRM Montreal Topological recursion: from spectral curve to conformal blocks
10/10 Gaetan Chenevier Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay An introduction to the Langlands conjectures Slides
28/11 Muriel Livernet IMJ-PRG, Université Paris Diderot Algebraic Deformations and algebraic operads, how to apprehend (relative) E2 structures?
12/12 !!!postponed!!! Emanuele Macri Northeastern University Bridgeland stability on threefolds


18/01 David Hernandez IMJ, Paris 6 Spectra of quantum integrable systems, Langlands duality and category O
08/02 Emmanuel Letellier IMJ, Paris 6 Quiver moduli and Kac polynomials
15/03 Oliver Schnetz University of Erlangen Transcendentality of Feynman amplitudes
29/03 Nicolas Bergeron IMJ, Paris 6 On the Noether-Lefschetz conjecture
24/05 Frédéric Chapoton Université Strasbourg On cluster varieties associated with trees
18/10 Colin Guillarmou Université Paris-Sud Théorie quantique des champs de Liouville en genre superieur à 1
14/11 at 2PM Dmitry Chelkak ENS, PDMI RAS S-embeddings of planar graphs carrying the Ising model
29/11 Olivier Debarre ENS Calabi-Yau manifols and hyperkähler manifolds
13/12 Erik Panzer Oxford Integration with multiple polylogarithms


23/11 Ilia Itenberg IMJ, Paris 6 Tropical geometry and enumeration of curves
15/02 Omid Amini École normale supérieure Feynman amplitudes and limits of height pairings


Thematic quarter: The mathematics of string theory at the Institut Henri Poincaré.


30/03 Yiannis Vlassopoulos University of Vienna Calabi-Yau algebras and Topological Quantum Field Theories
20/04 Hiroshi Umemura Nagoya University, Graduate School of Mathematics Toward Quantization of Galois Theory
22/05 Ovidiu Costin The Ohio State University Resurgence, transseries and applications in Quantum Mechanics and Dynamical Systems
08/06 Frédéric Paugam IMJ, Paris 6 Méthodes catégorielles en théorie des champs
23/11 Dimitri Zvonkine IMJ, Paris 6 Relations cohomologiques sur l'espace des modules des courbes via les structures 3-spin


24/03 Alain Chenciner Paris 7 & IMCCE Moment cinétique et problème de Horn
28/04 Laurent Charles IMJ, Paris 6 Opérateurs de Berezin-Toeplitz
19/05 Christian Blanchet IMJ, Paris 6 sl(2) quantique, TQFTs et torsion de Reidemeister
16/06 Krzysztof Gawedzki ENS Lyon Invariants de Kane-Mele-Floquet pour les isolant topologiques
20/10 Jean-Michel Bismut Université Paris-Sud Laplacien hypoelliptique et processus de Langevin
17/11 Vladimir Fock Université de Strasbourg Fermions discrets et systèmes intégrables


20/11 Joel Fine Université Libre de Bruxelles The diversity of symplectic Calabi-Yau 6-manifolds


18/10 Artan Sheshmani Max Planck Institute, Bonn Donaldson-Thomas invariants of torsion 2 dimensional sheaves and modular forms
06/12 Alessandro Chiodo Institut Fourier, Grenoble A curve-counting theory for Landau-Ginzburg models


12/01 Bernhard Keller IMJ, Paris 6 Cluster algebras, quiver representations and Zamolodchikov conjectures
02/02 Paolo Rossi IMJ, Paris 6 Integrable systems and Frobenius manifolds
09/03 Olivier Schiffman IMJ, Paris 6 Algebres de Hall et formes automorphes
06/04 Michèle Vergne IMJ, Paris 6 Duistermaat-Heckman measures and the equivariant index
04/05 Michael Harris IMJ, Paris 6 Galois representations and automorphic representations
15/06 Olivier Biquard DMA, ENS AdS/CFT, métriques d'Einstein et espaces symétriques
14/10 San Vu Ngoc Centre Henri Lebesgue, Université de Rennes Théorie spectrale inverse en régime semiclassique pour les systèmes toriques... et au-delà
09/11 Francis Brown IMJ, Paris 6 Amplitudes de Feynman, multizetas, et formes modulaires
09/12 Eric Vasserot IMJ, Paris 6 Algebres W, algebres de Hecke doublement affines et faisceaux sans torsion


24/11 Philip Boalch DMA, ENS The rootiness of Stokes data