Phd manuscripts from the team
(after 2018)
Effets de textures sur la friction des coques ,
Phd manuscript by
Antoine Dode (2022).
Étude expérimentale des propriétés dynamiques de l’interface liquide-carbone aux échelles nanométriques ,
Phd manuscript by
Alice Marcotte (2021).
Nanofluidique avec le carbone activé: de l’énergie bleue à la mémoire ionique,
Phd manuscript by
Théo Emmerich (2021).
Many-body effects in nanoscale fluid transport,
Phd manuscript by
Nikita Kavokine (2021).
Multiscale Ice and Snow friction,
Phd manuscript by
Luca Canale (2019).
Nonlinear ionic transport at the nanometric and Ångströmetric scales,
Phd manuscript by
Anthony Poggioli (2019).
Rheology and tribology at the nanoscale,
Phd manuscript by
Jean Comtet (2018).
Fundamental study of nanofluidic transport : or How to reinvent the colander,
Phd manuscript by
Sophie Marbach (2018).
Ion transport at the nanoscale : new material-carbon nanotube, new functionality - mechanical transistor- and new technology - 3D nano-printer,
Phd manuscript by
Laetitia Jubin (2018).