Rémi MonassonDirecteur de Recherche CNRS - Professeur Ecole Polytechnique Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de l'ENS24, rue Lhomond 75231 Paris Cedex 05 - France Bureau: L266 Phone: +33 144322589 Fax: +33 143367666 Email: monassonATlpt.ens.fr
Podcast "L'Oreille Mathématique" de l'Institut Henri Poincaré
Presentation of our work on protein modelling and design (in French)
Some recent works
List of all papers with full texts
Lines of research:
High-Dimensional Inference and Applications to Biological Data (Genomics, Neurobiology)
Statistical Physics of Learning in Neural Nets
Analysis of Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Current projects and Events:
Cargèse workshop (April 15-19, 2019) on
Tumors and Immune Systems:
From Theory to Therapy.
ANR project RBMPro on theory and application of Restricted Boltzmann Machines to protein family modeling (2017-2021)
HFSP on Analog Computation Underlying Language Mechanisms (2016-2020), see
press release.
PSL* project Data Science (2017-2019)
Useful links:
Lectures on proteins by E. Shakhnovich, invited professor at ENS (May 2015)
Past Projects and Events:
PSL* project Protheomics (2016-2018)
CNRS project Inphyniti (2015-2017)
ANR project Coevstat
on coevolution in proteins (2013-2016)
Région Ile-de-France initiative on Complex Systems
Workshop on
Covariation in Proteins and RNA, Theory and Experiments in Cargese, Corsica (17-23 April 2016).
European FET project Enligthenment
European Training Network Netadis
Fondation PGG post-doctoral funding for large-scale inference of neural functional networks
Galilee project for exchange between
France and Italy (2008)
ANR on DNA unzipping and sequence
prediction, with S. Cocco &
U. Bockelmann (2006-2009).
The Franco-Italian De
Giorgi-Venturi professorship position (2004).
ACI projects on "Optimization
algorithms and disordered quantum systems" (2001-2004), « Des
transitions à la complexité, le paradigme XORSAT »
(2004) European network on "
Statistical Physics of Information Processing and Combinatorial
Optimization" (2002-2006).
Theorique sur la Montagne , Jussieu, jeudi 30 juin
Workshop on Statistical
Physics and Computational Problems: Beyond the Analogy ,
Institut Henri Poincare, Paris - 14-16 June 2004 ; Conference
on Optimisation
algorithms and quantum disordered systems , Institut
Henri Poincare, Paris - 17-18 June 2004 Summer School Multiple
Aspects of DNA and RNA: from Biophysics to Bioinformatics,
Les Houches, France - 2-27 August 2004. Program
and lectures.
The list of available talk includes:
Statistical physics approaches to high-dimensional inference (Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3). Winter School on Quantitative Biology, Trieste (December 2012).
Learning with Boolean Threshold Functions, a Statistical Physics Perspective. Princeton (January 2011).
Dégraffage de l'ADN et problème inverse. Séminaire Dautreppe, Physique du Vivant, Société Francaise de Physique, Grenoble (Septembre 2005).
Dynamics of search algorithms. Trieste (September 2002).
Optimisation combinatoire, analyse d'algorithmes ... et physique statistique. Journees de la physique statistique, Paris (Janvier 2002).
Phase transitions and search processes in computer science: a dynamical study of the backtrack resolution of random 3-Satisfiability problems. StatPhys Meeting, Cancun (July 2001).
Netadis Summer School on Complex Systems (2013): lectures on random graphs and maps.
Ecole Normale Supérieure, cours Master 1 (2011-2015) : Phénomènes collectifs : des transitions de phase à la théorie statistique des champs (avec G. Semerjian). Le site du Master ICFP contient les notes de cours.
Ecole Polytechnique :
Threshold phenomena and complexity: a statistical physics study of the random satisfiability problem. School on Logics and Complexity, Marseilles (Jan '02).
Statistical physics of random combinatorial problem. Michigan State University, Lansing (May '02).
IPAM meeting on Phase transitions and Algorithmic complexity. UCLA, Los Angeles (Jun '02).
DEA Algorithmique (2001), avec O. Dubois. Les notes de cours sont disponibles ci-dessous: