02/02/2015 | Alexandre Lazarescu | KU Leuwen | Fluctuations of the current and optimal profiles in the open Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process |
13/01/2014 | Christophe Texier | LPTMS, Orsay | Wigner time-delay distribution in chaotic cavities and freezing transition |
27/01/2014 | Dragi Karevski | Nancy | Driven Heisenberg spin chain with arbitrary boundary twisting angle: Exact results |
10/02/2014 | Pierpaolo Vivo | LPTMS, Orsay | How many eigenvalues of a random matrix are positive? |
24/02/2014 | Laura Foini | Genève | Relaxation dynamics of a coherently split one-dimensional gas |
10/03/2014 | Satya Majumdar | LPTMS, Orsay | Random convex hulls and extreme value statistics: Applications to ecology and animal epidemics |
17/03/2014 | Andrea de Luca | LPT-ENS | Anderson localization on a Bethe lattice: non-ergodicity of extended states |
19/03/2014 | Luca Tagliocozza | Barcelona | Physics of the 1D long range Ising model in a transverse field |
24/03/2014 | Ulisse Ferrari | LPT-ENS | Inferred model of the prefrontal cortex activity unveils task-related cell assemblies and memory replay |
14/04/2014 | Kris van Houcke | LPS-ENS | Summing Feynman diagrams for strongly correlated fermions |
26/05/2014 | Benjamin Doyon | King's College London | Entropie d'intrication dans les systèmes étendus |
29/09/2014 | Joyjit Kundu | Inst. Math. Sci. Chennai | Phase transitions in hard core lattice gas models of anisotropic particles |
01/10/2014 | Sergej Moroz | Univ. Washington | Effective theory of p-wave interacting fermions in two dimensions |
13/10/2014 | Christian Trefzger | LKB-ENS | A moving impurity in an ideal Fermi gas: The long history of the single impurity-problem |
08/12/2014 | Mario Collura | SISSA | Interaction quenches in 1D Bose gas |
23/09/2013 | Gregory Falkovich | Weizmann | What a single flow snapshot can tell about the future and the past of turbulent flow |
07/10/2013 | Jorge Kurchan | LPS-ENS | Weak stochastic perturbations of integrable systems |
21/10/2013 | Gert-Ludwig Ingold | Augsburg | Thermodynamics in the presence of strong environmental coupling |
04/11/2013 | Marco Picco | LPTHE | Percolating states in the zero temperature dynamics of a ferromagnetic 2d IM model |
18/11/2013 | Bernard Nienhuis | Amsterdam | Thermodynamics and mechanics of icosahedral virus capsids |
02/12/2013 | Roberto Bondesan | Cologne | Pure scaling operators at the integer quantum Hall plateau transition |
16/12/2013 | Tomoyuki Obuchi | Tokyo Inst. Tech. | Inverse problem based on randomized moment matching and maximum entropy principle |
13/03/2013 | Giuliano Niccoli | Stony Brook | Quantum separation of variables for integrable quantum field theories |
20/03/2013 | Samuel Belliard | Montpellier | Coideal sub-algebras of quantum groups in Drinfel'd second realization |
10/04/2013 | Luca Tagliacozzo | Barcelona | Overview of 1D Tensor Networks and their application to quantum phase transitions |
22/05/2013 | Mikhail Zvonarev | LPTMS, Orsay | Dynamics of quantum particles in one-dimensional quantum liquids |
29/05/2013 | Vincent Vargas | Ceremade, Dauphine | Liouville Brownian motion |
05/06/2013 | Rémi Monasson | LPT-ENS | Interférences et transitions entre cartes spatiales dans un modèle neuronal de l'hippocampe |
15/02/2012 | Francesco Zamponi | LPT-ENS | Transition path sampling algorithm for discrete many-body systems |
07/03/2012 | Chiara Cammarota | IPhT, Saclay | Exploration of glass transition by pinning particles |
03/04/2012 | Jérôme Dubail | Yale | Topological phases of matter: from bulk model wave functions to the edge theory |
04/04/2012 | Benoît Estienne | Princeton | D-algebra structure of topological insulators |
03/05/2012 | Margherita Disertori | Rouen | Un modèle sigma non linéaire supersymétrique pour la diffusion quantique |
09/05/2012 | Jacopo Viti | SISSA | Universal properties of two-dimensional percolation |
06/06/2012 | Slava Rychkov | LPT-ENS | 3D Ising Model as a Conformal Field Theory |
03/10/2012 | Gaëtan Borot | Genève | O(n)-type singular equations and applications |
21/11/2012 | Maurizio Fagotti | Oxford | Relaxation after a sudden quench: insights from exactly solvable models |
05/12/2012 | Christian Hagendorf | Genève | Spin chains with dynamical lattice supersymmetry |
17/02/2010 | Nicolas Regnault | LPA-ENS | Spectres d'intrication dans la limite conforme et notion de continuité adiabatique d'intrication |
31/03/2010 | Wendelin Werner | DMA-ENS | Bulles et boucles |
07/04/2010 | Adel Bilal | LPT-ENS | Quoi de neuf sur N=2 ? |
12/05/2010 | Alberto Rosso | LPTMS, Orsay | Transition de freezing dans des modeles gaussiens log-correlés |
19/05/2010 | Pierre Le Doussal | LPT-ENS | The directed polymer problem: Tracy Widom distribution from the Bethe Ansatz |
09/06/2010 | Andrea Cappelli | Florence | Non-Abelian anyons in the quantum Hall effect |
29/09/2010 | François David | IPhT, Saclay | Simple and general random matrix model for spin decoherence |
07/10/2009 | Paul Fendley | Virginia | Topological order for quantum loops and nets |
02/12/2009 | Yacine Ikhlef | Genève | Hamiltoniens unidimensionnels et modèles statistiques |
09/12/2009 | Yan Fyodorov | Nottingham | Multifractality, freezing, and extreme value statistics in random potentials with logarithmic correlations |
16/12/2009 | Kalle Kytölä | Genève | Schramm-Loewner evolutions and critical 2D Ising model with mixed boundary conditions |