Measuring functional renormalization group fixed-point functions for pinned manifolds

A. Alan Middleton1, Pierre Le Doussal2, Kay Jörg Wiese2
1Department of Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244,USA
2CNRS-Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France


Exact numerical minimization of interface energies is used to test the functional renormalization group (FRG) analysis for interfaces pinned by quenched disorder. The fixed-point function R(u) (the correlator of the coarse-grained disorder) is computed. In dimensions D=d+1, a linear cusp in R''(u) is confirmed for random bond (d=1,2,3), random field (d=0,2,3), and periodic (d=2,3) disorders. The functional shocks that lead to this cusp are seen. Small, but significant, deviations from 1-loop FRG results are compared to 2-loop corrections. The cross-correlation for two copies of disorder is compared with a recent FRG study of chaos.

cond-mat/0606160 [pdf]
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 155701 [pdf]
Review in Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics, JCCM_December06_01 by J.P. Bouchaud [pdf]

Copyright (C) by Kay Wiese. Last edited March 17, 2008.