M2 MVA - Jean-Pierre Nadal

Suggested papers

(last update in 2016)
Learning, synaptic plasticity, storage capacity

Gerstner, Kistler, Mathematical formulations of Hebbian learning, 2002
A. Braunstein, R. Zecchina, Learning by message-passing in networks of discrete synapses, Phys. Rev. Lett.96, 030201 (2006)
Loewenstein, Covariance driven synaptic plasticity, 2008
Alemi, Baldassi, Brunel, Zecchina, Three Threshold Learning Rule, 2015
Kappel et al, Bayesian approach to plasticity, 2015
Storage capacity fo the Perceptron: Shcherbina, Tirozzi, Rigorous solution of the Gardner problem, 2003

Neural coding, efficient coding

Li, Atick, Towards a Theory of the striate cortex, 1994
J.H. van Hateren, Encoding of high dynamic range video with a model of human cones, ACM Transactions on Graphics 25:1380-1399 (2006)
Ganguli, Simoncelli, Efficient sensory coding and Bayesian inference, 2014

Mutual Information, Fisher information

Haussler et Opper, Mutual Information, Metric Entropy, and Cumulative Relative Entropy Risk, Annals of Statistics 1997
Barron, Rissanen, The MDL principle in coding and modelling, 1998
Bethge et al, When Fisher Information Fails, 2002
Tishby, Pereira, Bialek, Information Bottleneck, 2000

Natural stimuli statistics, ICA & efficient coding

A. Turiel and N. Parga, Multifractal wavelet filter of natural images, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3325 - 3328 (2000).
S I Amari, Natural gradient, 1999
Lewicki, Efficient coding of natural sounds, 2002
Smith, Lewicki, Efficient Auditory Coding, 2006

Decision making

Kira, Yang, Shadlen, A Neural Implementation of Wald’s Sequential Probability Ratio Test, 2015
Moreno-Bote, Decision Confidence, 2010
Drugowitsch et al, The Cost of Accumulating Evidence in Perceptual Decision Making, 2012
Goldfarb et al, Acomparative study of drift diffusion and linear ballistic accumulator models in a reward maximization perceptual choice task, 2014
Wong & Wang, Recurrent networks & Perceptual Decisions, 2006
Wald’s Sequential Probability Ratio Test in other biological systems Siggia & Vergassola, Decisions on the fly in cellular sensory systems, 2013

Other topics

Thirion et al, Convolutional network layers map the function of the human visual system, 2016
Deco et al, The Dynamic Brain From Spiking Neurons to Neural Masses and Cortical Fields, 2008
Herzog et al, Maximum Entropy Models & Spiking Networks, 2018
Petrankonakis, Poirazi, Compressed Sensing & Hippocampal function, 2014.
Combinatorial optimization: 'K-sat', message passing algorithms:
A. Braunstein, M. Mezard and R. Zecchina, Survey propagation: an algorithm for satisfiability, Random Structures and Algorithms, Vol. 27(2), Pages 201-226 (2005) - Algorithms: see the website of R. Zecchina - Additional document: Satisfied with physics, C. P. Gomes and B. Selman, Science 2002.

Contact: jean-pierre.nadal[at]ens.fr