Forum de Physique Statistique à l'ENS

Forum de Physique Statistique à l'ENS

Ce séminaire informel a lieu les lundis de 13h15 à 14h15 dans la bibliothèque du LPTENS (et salle 236 du 29 rue d'Ulm pendant les travaux), toutes les deux semaines en moyenne.

Mettez votre pointeur sur les titres pour voir le résumé du séminaire (dans la limite de disponibilité).


02/02/2015 Alexandre Lazarescu KU Leuwen Fluctuations of the current and optimal profiles in the open Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process


13/01/2014 Christophe Texier LPTMS, Orsay Wigner time-delay distribution in chaotic cavities and freezing transition
27/01/2014 Dragi Karevski Nancy Driven Heisenberg spin chain with arbitrary boundary twisting angle: Exact results
10/02/2014 Pierpaolo Vivo LPTMS, Orsay How many eigenvalues of a random matrix are positive?
24/02/2014 Laura Foini Genève Relaxation dynamics of a coherently split one-dimensional gas
10/03/2014 Satya Majumdar LPTMS, Orsay Random convex hulls and extreme value statistics: Applications to ecology and animal epidemics
17/03/2014 Andrea de Luca LPT-ENS Anderson localization on a Bethe lattice: non-ergodicity of extended states
19/03/2014 Luca Tagliocozza Barcelona Physics of the 1D long range Ising model in a transverse field
24/03/2014 Ulisse Ferrari LPT-ENS Inferred model of the prefrontal cortex activity unveils task-related cell assemblies and memory replay
14/04/2014 Kris van Houcke LPS-ENS Summing Feynman diagrams for strongly correlated fermions
26/05/2014 Benjamin Doyon King's College London Entropie d'intrication dans les systèmes étendus
29/09/2014 Joyjit Kundu Inst. Math. Sci. Chennai Phase transitions in hard core lattice gas models of anisotropic particles
01/10/2014 Sergej Moroz Univ. Washington Effective theory of p-wave interacting fermions in two dimensions
13/10/2014 Christian Trefzger LKB-ENS A moving impurity in an ideal Fermi gas: The long history of the single impurity-problem
08/12/2014 Mario Collura SISSA Interaction quenches in 1D Bose gas


23/09/2013 Gregory Falkovich Weizmann What a single flow snapshot can tell about the future and the past of turbulent flow
07/10/2013 Jorge Kurchan LPS-ENS Weak stochastic perturbations of integrable systems
21/10/2013 Gert-Ludwig Ingold Augsburg Thermodynamics in the presence of strong environmental coupling
04/11/2013 Marco Picco LPTHE Percolating states in the zero temperature dynamics of a ferromagnetic 2d IM model
18/11/2013 Bernard Nienhuis Amsterdam Thermodynamics and mechanics of icosahedral virus capsids
02/12/2013 Roberto Bondesan Cologne Pure scaling operators at the integer quantum Hall plateau transition
16/12/2013 Tomoyuki Obuchi Tokyo Inst. Tech. Inverse problem based on randomized moment matching and maximum entropy principle

Avant l'été 2013, le titre de cette manifestation était Séminaire informel de physique statistique. Il avait lieu les mercredis de 12h00 à 13h00. La liste suivante contient l'historique de cette série de séminaires.


13/03/2013 Giuliano Niccoli Stony Brook Quantum separation of variables for integrable quantum field theories
20/03/2013 Samuel Belliard Montpellier Coideal sub-algebras of quantum groups in Drinfel'd second realization
10/04/2013 Luca Tagliacozzo Barcelona Overview of 1D Tensor Networks and their application to quantum phase transitions
22/05/2013 Mikhail Zvonarev LPTMS, Orsay Dynamics of quantum particles in one-dimensional quantum liquids
29/05/2013 Vincent Vargas Ceremade, Dauphine Liouville Brownian motion
05/06/2013 Rémi Monasson LPT-ENS Interférences et transitions entre cartes spatiales dans un modèle neuronal de l'hippocampe


15/02/2012 Francesco Zamponi LPT-ENS Transition path sampling algorithm for discrete many-body systems
07/03/2012 Chiara Cammarota IPhT, Saclay Exploration of glass transition by pinning particles
03/04/2012 Jérôme Dubail Yale Topological phases of matter: from bulk model wave functions to the edge theory
04/04/2012 Benoît Estienne Princeton D-algebra structure of topological insulators
03/05/2012 Margherita Disertori Rouen Un modèle sigma non linéaire supersymétrique pour la diffusion quantique
09/05/2012 Jacopo Viti SISSA Universal properties of two-dimensional percolation
06/06/2012 Slava Rychkov LPT-ENS 3D Ising Model as a Conformal Field Theory
03/10/2012 Gaëtan Borot Genève O(n)-type singular equations and applications
21/11/2012 Maurizio Fagotti Oxford Relaxation after a sudden quench: insights from exactly solvable models
05/12/2012 Christian Hagendorf Genève Spin chains with dynamical lattice supersymmetry


17/02/2010 Nicolas Regnault LPA-ENS Spectres d'intrication dans la limite conforme et notion de continuité adiabatique d'intrication
31/03/2010 Wendelin Werner DMA-ENS Bulles et boucles
07/04/2010 Adel Bilal LPT-ENS Quoi de neuf sur N=2 ?
12/05/2010 Alberto Rosso LPTMS, Orsay Transition de freezing dans des modeles gaussiens log-correlés
19/05/2010 Pierre Le Doussal LPT-ENS The directed polymer problem: Tracy Widom distribution from the Bethe Ansatz
09/06/2010 Andrea Cappelli Florence Non-Abelian anyons in the quantum Hall effect
29/09/2010 François David IPhT, Saclay Simple and general random matrix model for spin decoherence


07/10/2009 Paul Fendley Virginia Topological order for quantum loops and nets
02/12/2009 Yacine Ikhlef Genève Hamiltoniens unidimensionnels et modèles statistiques
09/12/2009 Yan Fyodorov Nottingham Multifractality, freezing, and extreme value statistics in random potentials with logarithmic correlations
16/12/2009 Kalle Kytölä Genève Schramm-Loewner evolutions and critical 2D Ising model with mixed boundary conditions