Logo ENS  Symposium Facets of quantum physics at ENSlogo ENS PHYS

Tuesday 16 November 2010, Salle Dussane
Ecole normale supérieure, 45 rue d'Ulm, Paris 05

The '97 Nobel Prize Winner William Phillips (NIST, Gaithersburg, USA) for his key contributions to the advancement of the cold atom physics
will become a Doctor Honoris Causa of the Ecole normale Supérieure on Tuesday 16 November 2010.
photo Phillips
The symposium ``Facets of quantum physics at ENS" is organized in his honour by the physics Departement of ENS and will present, in addition to a talk by William Phillips, a selection of research results obtained at  ENS in close connection with Phillips' current research interests. The symposium will be chaired by the '97 Nobel Prize Winner Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (LKB-ENS).

This is an open access symposium. The persons in charge are Yvan Castin (LKB-ENS) [with support from Werner Krauth (LPS-ENS)]  for the scientific aspects and Françoise Tarquis (IFRAF) for the technical aspects.

        Coffee break
See the poster of the symposium