Casella di testo: [inscription]



Physique et Mécanique des Systèmes Biologiques


Casella di testo: [programme]
Casella di testo: [résumés]
Casella di testo: [accès]

Liste des inscrits:


Session poster


Helene Delanoe-Ayari -Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée et Nanostructures Lyon 1 “Cell movements in 2D and 3D”


Mathilde Badual- INMC IN2P3 “Cell-cell interactions in invasive brain tumours”


Anne-Florence Bitbol – MSC P7 Dynamical membrane curvature instability controlled by intermonolayer friction”


Olivier Cochet- Institut Curie “Physics of collective cellular migrations”



Julien Dervaux – LPS ENS “Shape instabilitiesin artificial tumours”



Pascale Dupuis-Williams, INSERM/UEVE  Function of the Meckel-Gruber Syndrome protein MKS1 in membrane/actin interaction identified in Paramecium and epithelial cells by biophysical approaches”


Camille Gambini- MSC P7 “Gastrovascular morphogenesis in jellyfish”


Anette Funfak- LadHyx EP – Cilia pathology of Paramecium studied using high-speed imaging within microchannels


Cecilia Lantos – MSC P7Effect of mechanical constraints on the morphogenesis of the vascular network of a model biological system”


Marc LefrancUniversité Lille 1 Robustness of Circadian Clocks to Daylight Fluctuations: Hints from the Picoeucaryote Ostreococcus tauri


Thomas Pujol- PMMH ESPCI Mechanical characterization of actin gels by a magnetic colloids technique


Raghvendra Singh - Univ. Lille1 "Role of the actin-alpha-actinin complex in mechanosensing"


Biran Wang- Nice Sophia Antipolis – “Rhéologie des cellules tumorales”





Miglena Anguelova

Gianluca Ascolani

Mathilde Badoual

Renaud Bastien

Renaud Beziat

Anne-Florence Bitbol

Marie-France Breton

Matthieu Caruel

Ibrahim Cheddadi

Chadha Chettaoui

Raphael Clément

Olivier Cochet

Laurent Combettes

Annemiek JM Cornelissen

Eric Crampon

Halima Darbeida

Helene Delanoe-Ayari

Morgan Delarue

Julien Dervaux

Anne Devulder

Pascale Dupuis-Williams

Marc Durand

Jens Elgeti

Noémie Ein-Eli

Raphael Elie

Jonathan Fouchard

Anette Funfak

Camille Gambini

Chloe Gerin

Boris Guirao

Eduardo Hannezo

Xiaoping Jia

Pascal Kurowski

Cecília Lantos

Benoit Larrat

Arnaud Lazarus

Marc Lefranc

Marie Le Merrer

Pierre Mills

Fabien Montel

Martin M Mueller

Pierre Nassoy

E. Sanchez-Palencia

Andrea Parmeggiani

Alexandre Ponomarenko

Nicolas Puff

Thomas Pujol

Charlotte Py

Pierre Recho

Raman Sheshka

Raghvendra Singh

Jean-François Rupprecht

Agnese Seminara

Jacques Supernant

Bénédicte Thiébot

Sham Tlili

Herve Turlier

Wladimir Urbach

Elsa Vennat

Irene Vignon-Clementel

Biran Wang

Casella di testo: [retour à la page d’accueil]