This year is the 50th anniversary of the publication by Jun Kondo of a theory of conduction electron scattering on magnetic impurities in metals. This theory explained a previously observed resistance minimum at low temperature in some metals [1].
This so-called Kondo effect is a paradigm of a highly non-trivial quantum many-body problem . Kondo's paper triggered a  vast research domain  with better and better control of Kondo systems thanks to progress in nanotechnology and in theoretical methods, but with still unsolved problems. We propose a novel experimental realization of the Kondo problem with ultracold atoms [2]. A Fermi sea of two different hyperfine states of one atomic species form bound states with a different species that is strongly localized. We discuss the conditions for producing and detecting a Kondo-correlated state. These conditions can be realistically met with present day cold atom technology, in particular with a mixture of 40^K and 23^Na atoms.

[1] J. Kondo,  Progress of theoretical physics, 32, 37, 1964
[2] J. Bauer, C. Salomon, and E. Demler, Phys. Rev. Lett., 111, 215304 (2013)