Non-equilibrium quantum mechanics has received a considerable attention in the last years and in particular the dynamics observed after a quantum quench, when a global parameter in a many-body Hamiltonian is rapidly changed. In the one-dimensional case the problem is even more exiting since there one can create physical models that do not thermalize canonically due to the presence of many local integrals of motion: the so called integrable models.  We focus here on the post-quench time evolution of the simplest interacting integrable models as the Lieb-Liniger delta-interacting Bose gas and the spin-1/2 XXZ spin chain. We address the problem of determining the physical properties of the steady state after a quench and their time evolution. In particular we consider a sudden switch of the inter-particle interactions in a free Bosonic gas and the non-equilibrium time evolution induced by a sudden Bragg pulse applied to a strongly interacting gas, as an attempt to model the celebrated quantum Newton cradle. Finally we show how quantum quenches with inhomogenous initial states can represent ideal settings to study quantum transport in many-body systems.